ANNONS nä fan det duger inte. Vi tar det här på engelska eftersom vi siktar på att slå hårt utomlands, ANNOUNCEMENT!
The new fizzling, sparkling, hot garagrerockband THE TENDINOS is searching for members in the band. As we speak, right now, in this second, the lineup is:
base electrified guitar and backing vocals (he says he's about to buy a guitar but he says a lot of stuff)
PÄLLE PÄRRY TENDINO on vocals and backing vocals, maraccas, tambourine and cowskäll (he sucks on playing instruments but he's good looking and can howl)
A duo is a little bit to week for a garagerockband so now THE TENDINOS is in urgent need of a drumplayer and a
guitarist baseplayer. The first one's to leave a comment here is welcome to the bands famous first rehearsal in the clubhouse:

Time? Saturday evening, sometimes after the dark. There's no electricity in the clubhouse so bring pannlamps for light and a carbattery for power. LET THERE BE ROCK!
Goddamnit, no comments of new bandmembers whatsoever! Fuck you, fuck you very much everybody out there. THE TENDINOS is now and forever a garagerockbandDUO!
3 kommentarer:
Now there´s sielence on the sight. no one dares to join the band.. Damn, haven´t you ever heard about groupies?
but holy cow and the schmeckerin schmacks, I´m no f-ing bass player - even if I do think I have a bass in the basement HaHaHa. No, I only play the six sting, god damn it, electrified..
Wholy macarony it seems that THE TENDINOS remains as a duo. Well goddamnit if Jack & Meg White in The White Stripes (OK that band is dead now but they played greater than great for at least 10 years) could so can we.
Lets fuckin skip the base. Larry takes charge of the electrified guitar and Pärry (must have a cool nickname) takes the seat behind the drums. The drums will sound as crap in the beginning but I'll learn.
The first hit to record must be Louie Louie and the second one is "Grusgrop" made by Köttgrottorna. That song is only 6 seconds long so it must be easy to learn. We will do the english version "I want to live in a grusgrop!"
Now we´re talking. Pärry as a hard hitting drummer will absolutely be a hitting hit! And no song longer than ten seconds is THE thing!!! Go for it!
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